Journal: #YesAllWomen Follow-up

Back when I was in college the first time, I remember the stats given out about violence against women basically amounting to "it's likely happened to a friend of yours or a friend of a friend." If the response from yesterday's journal is at all representative of the average, those numbers were way, way off in college.

Journal: #YesAllWomen

Last week I was reading the #YesAllWomen posts on my feed, but it wasn't until a friend shared her story that I realized I had something to contribute to the conversation. This is the hardest, most personal thing I've decided to share to date. It is pretty much all of the crap in my life laid out bare for everyone to see.

Journal: Guilt. Fear. Stress. Shame. Loneliness.

Guilt. Fear. Stress. Shame. Loneliness. This is what I'm feeling. I feel guilty that I haven't written here in over a week. I feel fear when I think about writing here again after missing so many days. I feel stressed when I can't follow through with my commitments. I feel shame when I don't shower regularly. I feel lonely being at home all the time...