Journal: #YesAllWomen Follow-up

Back when I was in college the first time, I remember the stats given out about violence against women basically amounting to "it's likely happened to a friend of yours or a friend of a friend." If the response from yesterday's journal is at all representative of the average, those numbers were way, way off in college.

Journal: Two Appointments = Up Until Two

Yesterday I had my chiropractic appointment and my massage therapy appointment back-to-back. I don't normally schedule them on the same day. Just one of them gives me plenty of discomfort and sleep interruptus. But, I didn't want to postpone my chiro appointment until next week and have a migraine slip in. The result? I was awake until at least 2 am.

Journal: Guilt. Fear. Stress. Shame. Loneliness.

Guilt. Fear. Stress. Shame. Loneliness. This is what I'm feeling. I feel guilty that I haven't written here in over a week. I feel fear when I think about writing here again after missing so many days. I feel stressed when I can't follow through with my commitments. I feel shame when I don't shower regularly. I feel lonely being at home all the time...