Journal: Survivor

Last night I watched the last 3 episodes of the current season of Grey's Anatomy. It triggered some stuff for me and I had a bit of a cry. Sometimes when I cry my thoughts turn into the beginning of a poem or a blog post. This time I wrote a poem...

Journal: Hard Choices

I'm sorry I've been gone so long. I've had to make some hard choices the last few months. Please know I got your emails, I heard what you had to say, and I'm sorry I haven't responded yet. With my current financial situation I've had to rearrange my priorities. Writing here is good for me. It matters to me. You matter to me. But, I've had to move Fibropreneur from the top of my to-do list to the bottom. This reprioritization is temporary, but I don't know how long it will last.

Journal: Fatigue, Writing, and Surgery

The last few weeks feel like they've been nothing but fatigue, playing catch up, doctor appointments, forcing myself to take time off, and more fatigue. I've either been too wiped out to write or I've had no time to write. Despite my fatigue I'm feeling a strong need to write today.