Journal: Survivor

Last night I watched the last 3 episodes of the current season of Grey's Anatomy. It triggered some stuff for me and I had a bit of a cry. Sometimes when I cry my thoughts turn into the beginning of a poem or a blog post. This time I wrote a poem...

Journal: Too Many Emotions

Today has turned into a jumbled up. bundle of emotions kind of day and it's really wiping me out. At this point, I don't have the energy to get anything else productive done. My brain is too fried and fuzzy to be able to write anything of substance either...

Journal: Guilt. Fear. Stress. Shame. Loneliness.

Guilt. Fear. Stress. Shame. Loneliness. This is what I'm feeling. I feel guilty that I haven't written here in over a week. I feel fear when I think about writing here again after missing so many days. I feel stressed when I can't follow through with my commitments. I feel shame when I don't shower regularly. I feel lonely being at home all the time...