A Note to Friends & Family of Those with an Invisible (or Physical) Disability

In the last year two people in my life have temporarily experienced what it is like to live with my invisible disabilities. With one it brought us closer, but with the other it pulled us apart. How you react to such an experience can either help or hurt your relationship with someone like me. If you are friend or family to someone with an invisible (or physical) disability, please read this and take it to heart.

Journal: Guilt. Fear. Stress. Shame. Loneliness.

Guilt. Fear. Stress. Shame. Loneliness. This is what I'm feeling. I feel guilty that I haven't written here in over a week. I feel fear when I think about writing here again after missing so many days. I feel stressed when I can't follow through with my commitments. I feel shame when I don't shower regularly. I feel lonely being at home all the time...