Today is finally the day that goes live to the world! You may be thinking, “Hey, wait. If today is the first day, where did those older posts come from?” Well, the original launch date was set for February 19th, but before I could launch the site I came down with a cold that knocked me out for two weeks. I was so eager about that I wanted to put up some sort of content every day, even if I was the only one to see it until launch. Today I’m finally well enough to go back to work, so today is finally launch day. Yay and welcome!
Are you an entrepreneur with Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and/or another chronic illness? Please introduce yourself in the comments and share your story. I look forward to meeting you! 😀
My friend Krys referred me here, and I am so glad to see you starting this blog. I have a variety of craft interests but I keep my focus on fibers. I have numerous chronic illnesses but the biggie right now is neuropathy (widespread nerve damage) which makes some days a challenge. My goal is to grow my blog and keep creating new and interesting items. I vend some items at stores in Bellingham but would like to see that expand. Enough about me! I’m looking forward to your upcoming posts!
It’s so nice to “meet” you Pamela! I certainly understand challenging days. I took a peek at your blog and your steampunk spool ornaments are neato. I’m eager to see what else you have coming! Thank you for sharing. 🙂
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